Hello World <3
testhello worldblog
February 8, 2023
3 min read

This is a test post for my new blog site. I'm really tired right now as it's like 1am but I'm going to try to finish this up soon.

I'll mostly be covering things I'm working on, thing's I'm learning, and other things that I find interesting all over the internet. Personally, I'm a pretty boring person so I don't think I'll have much to say. I'll try to write more. This is a link to my github. Hehe, I just tested out a link. I'm sneaky :D *wears protection goggles*. Get Ready, We're going to test out some mardown.

Let's begin with something beatufiful. I'm going to try to make a code block.

import React from 'react';
const Hello = () => {
  return <div>Hello World</div>;

Now, Let's try some inline code. const hello = "Hello World";. Inline code is pretty cool as you can highlight short pieces of code. Now, let's get to the good stuff. I'm going to try to make a quote.

This is a quote. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this but I'm going to try to make it look nice.

What else can I do? Let's see, what about lists?

  • This is a list
  • This is another list
  • This is a third list

Ah, Let's take a break & enjoy some text after this list. You know, I couldn't really get code blocks to work with dark mode. Specially the shiki rehype plugin. So, I used a simple trick. On top of a theme that I stumbled upon. I added a filter: invert(3%) to the pre tag on dark mode.

For light mode, It's a simple filter: invert(98%) hue-rotate(180deg);. This is a pretty cool trick. It's not perfect but thanks this issue on Typescript-Website repo for providing a fit-in solution. Ight, time to test some more markdown.

This is a table. It's a little stupid, but i'll rarely use it (i'll fix it later :3).


Okay, This is something I'll never use, because this is the kind of stuff you find on a wiki or arxvi papers. Did you guess it, Lol, It's a footnote1. What else did you expect? Equations? You silly duck :D

Nice! Markdown is cool. I've also tried superscript and subscript. They're unfortunately not supported by the markdown parser I'm using. I'll try to fix it later too maybe. I think the last thing I'll try is a heading.

The Great Heading.

This is a great heading (literally). Now some Straight facts coming at you. The world is flat. Ahem, I meant the world is round.


  1. Ah, GO away!! This isn't a research paper. It's a blog post.
